FELA Lawyer & FELA Claims


Client Wins

It’s easy to go numb and become insensitive when you deal with these types of claims day in and day out. But apathy is what we’re fighting against, and it tends to cloud out who we’re fighting for.

We only win when our clients do. These are some recent results we’ve been able to achieve on behalf of injured and disabled clients just like you.

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This was an example of the employer punishing the employee for having an accident and asserting her right to workers’ compensation benefits. My client was driving a charter bus full of school children. One child was in a wheelchair and needed a parent to assist getting him on and off of the bus. At one stop the parent was having trouble getting the child back on, so my client helped. Unfortunately, she hut her lower back in the process.

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In 2013, Louisiana had enacted a new process, called a Preliminary Determination Hearing, to allow an employer a practice trial in front of the workers’ compensation judge and get an advisory opinion on the issues raised by the claimant in the lawsuit.  The decision was not binding, nor could it be appealed.  The losing side had the opportunity to accept the recommendations and avoid the penalty of possible penalties and attorney fees, or could proceed to a trial on the merits.

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This is probably my fondest case over my entire career because it was a true David vs. Goliath story, and a perfect example of how an insurance company can build trust with an injured worker and use that trust to its advantage.

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Let’s Talk About The Help That You Need.

You work hard to care for your family, your community, and your country. Who is going to care for you through an accident or disability? Daren Sarphie will fight to ensure you receive the benefits and support that you deserve.

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  • We Only Handle Cases Like Yours
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The railroads are historically acknowledged as one of the most dangerous places to work. Between employer carelessness and the inherent dangers of the job, many more workers are injured here than in other professions. If an employer’s negligence caused an injury, there is a federal law that may allow you to sue your employer for full financial compensation. Contact Sarphie Law to learn more about your legal options for compensation.

How FELA Works for Injured Railroad Employees

Over a century old, the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA) applies specifically to railroad employees. FELA was passed in 1908 in response to the large number of railroad deaths and the critical needs of injured workers. Thousands of workers were dying each year, and tens of thousands more were injured. The inherent dangers and financial difficulties that workers faced after an injury prevented people from choosing to work on the railroads. Congress passed FELA to give employers both an incentive to focus on safety and to better protect workers.

FELA allows an injured worker to sue a railroad in a negligence-based personal injury lawsuit. Generally, you cannot sue an employer in a personal injury lawsuit. The law rewards employers for purchasing workers’ compensation insurance and gives them immunity from nearly every type of injury lawsuit filed by their employees. While workers’ compensation does give workers a safety net, there are some limitations.

Under “standard” workers’ compensation insurance, you are unable to recover any non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering. You are also paid for part of your lost wages (usually two-thirds of your wages, subject to a statutory cap). Personal injury lawsuit settlements and awards tend to be higher than the benefits from workers’ compensation. This is why attorneys often look for a third party to sue in a negligence-based lawsuit – you get paid more if you win.

Proving Liability Under FELA

The Federal Employers’ Liability Act states that “Every common carrier by railroad engaging in commerce between any of the several states shall be liable in damages to any person suffering injury while he is employed by such carrier in such commerce for such injury or death resulting in whole or in part from the negligence of any of the officers, agents, or employees of such carrier, or by reason of any defect or insufficiency due to its negligence, in its cars, engines, appliances, machinery, track, roadbed, works, boats, wharves or other equipment.”

In order to be compensated under FELA, you will have to prove that your employer was negligent and that they neglected to provide a safe workplace for you, which in turn caused you to be injured. You may also file a claim for any occupational diseases that you develop on the job. The statute of limitations on these cases is three years from the date in which you suffered the injury or illness.

FELA Lawsuit Compensation

Every lawsuit is different, and it is hard to know how much a case is worth until we know the facts. It is important to understand more about your injuries and how they have affected you. If you are hurt as a result of your employer’s negligence, you could be eligible for a significant amount of financial compensation.

Your FELA compensation could include the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If a loved one died in a railroad work injury, your family can file a wrongful death case against the employer, receiving much more than the standard workers’ compensation death benefit.

What To Do if You Have Been Injured on the Job

There are several steps you should take if you have been injured at your railroad job:

  • Report your injury to your employer, preferably in writing, so there is a record
  • Seek medical care to diagnose and treat your injuries
  • Hire an experienced attorney to perform an investigation of your accident and explain your legal options
  • Document your damages so you know how much to seek when you file a lawsuit
  • Be careful about giving too much information to your employer about what happened or your injury

Proceed as if you intend to file a workers’ compensation claim. There are very tight deadlines, and you do not want to lose the opportunity if your attorney eventually determines that you are unable to file a personal injury lawsuit. Workers’ compensation could be your only option.

How the FELA Process Works

After you suffer a railroad work injury, contact an experienced attorney to investigate what happened. Your lawyer can determine whether someone was negligent and can be sued or if you should file a standard workers’ compensation claim.

If someone was negligent, you could file a personal injury lawsuit against them. Your case would follow the same path as any other lawsuit in the court system: You file your complaint in federal court, your employer responds, and your case proceeds through the discovery process, where both you and your employer gather evidence and information from each other.

In some cases, your attorney reaches a settlement agreement on your behalf. If your employer does not settle the claim on reasonable terms, you always have the right to go to trial.

FELA Defenses That a Railroad Company Will Use

Because a FELA lawsuit is a personal injury case, your employer has the right to use their own defenses to protect themselves from liability. The most obvious defense is that your employer was not negligent. In many cases, your employer may attempt to blame you for what happened. In a standard workers’ compensation claim, this is not an issue because workers’ comp is a no-fault system. However, when negligence is an issue, you can be accused of the same conduct yourself, and your financial recovery could be reduced by the percentage of blame that you are found to bear for the accident.

This is referred to as comparative negligence and is a very common defense used by railroad employers. They will try to argue that your own negligence played a part in the accident and therefore you are partially responsible for your injuries. In this case, the jury would have to decide what percentage of blame each party deserves, which could impact the amount of damages awarded to you.

Contact a FELA Lawyer Today

If you are a railroad worker who has been injured on the job, always speak to an experienced FELA lawyer to learn how you can most effectively pursue a settlement or award for your injuries. Daren Sarphie has spent his entire career fighting for workers injured on the job who may feel they do not have a voice. You can schedule a free initial consultation with Sarphie Law by calling us today at 833-635-2667 or sending us a message through our website.

Why Choose Us?

We’re Here to Help.

When a client is denied their benefits, they are essentially being told that they 
aren’t hurt, that they aren’t in pain, that they can work, and that they are not 
believed. They’re people told this by people who they have never met, and 
sometimes, never spoken to. We can help… so we do.

  • we listen
    We Listen

    We listen to what you’ve been through, what you need, where your challenges are, and what is your ultimate goal.

  • we communicate
    We Communicate

    We explain your rights and your options. We put together a strategy and update you on the progress every step of the way. You’ll always know what’s going on.

  • we fight
    We Execute

    Every claim is like a chess match. We put together a strategy before we even start the game in order to make key moves at the beginning and gain the advantage. By the end, we want to ensure you receive the help and compensation you deserve.

Our Case Process Working With Us is Easy.

We work hard to ensure our clients are always informed on the status of their case. You can rest assured that you have a staunch advocate supporting you on your team.
Free Consultation

Free Consultation

Sarphie Law offers complimentary case reviews. He will attentively hear your story, assess your challenges, and align with your goals.

We Get To Work

We Get To Work

Once you’re on board, we spring into action. With dedicated advocacy and transparent communication, we pursue your benefits vigorously.

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Let’s Talk About The Help That You Need.

You work hard to care for your family, your community, and your country. Who is going to care for you through an accident or disability? Daren Sarphie will fight to ensure you receive the benefits and support that you deserve.

  • Help Beyond Compensation
  • We Only Handle Cases Like Yours
  • Round-The-Clock Client Service

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